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Sunday, October 4, 2015

Best HD Free romantic movie

Man Up (2015) Poster                    {Man Up}
A single woman who's mistaken for a stranger's blind date, leads to her finding the perfect boyfriend.


 Ben Palmer


 Tess Morris


 Lake Bell, Simon Pegg, Ophelia Lovibond.


A 34 year old single woman, Nancy, hung-over again, exhausted by the endless fruitless set ups by her friends, traveling across London to toast another 10 years of her parent's successful happy magical marriage runs in with a 40 year old divorcee, Jack, who mistakes her for his 24 year old blind date. Nancy, deciding to go with it, happens to hop on the most chaotic yet hilarious journey of her life which neither of them will ever forget. There is drinking, truths, an old stalker class mate with long a standing crush, lost divorce papers, lost hopes, competitive indoor sports and yeah Jack finding out the truth that Nancy isn't his blind date. 'Man Up' a romantic comedy about taking chances, finding about being yourself, making decisions and rolling with the consequences. Written by Samuel Prongs..............................................

                                User Reviews

I wouldn't normally be the type of person to write a review however in this case i find myself needing to make an exception!

This film is fantastically awkward yet epically funny. It is packed with scenes of such stupendous awkward comedy it makes the office look like afternoon tea at in the tea house. "a comfortable yet humourless afternoon" I have never rated a film as 10/10 before but it really is excellent.

Although the storyline is extremely cringe-able i find myself jealous of the story because it is also a perfect love story.

Personally i am more of a sci-fi/action kind of movie enthusiast but i am going to make an exception and say this is not only my favourite movie of the year but possibly my favourite movie of all time!

If you have time to watch a movie you, you have time for this... Hey even if you don't have time you need to make time!

Much love, Abraxis.


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