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Monday, October 5, 2015

HD Hindi Movie

Drishyam (2015) Poster                 Drishyam
Desperate measures are taken by a man who tries to save his family from the dark side of the law, after they commit an unexpected crime.


 Nishikant Kamat


 Jeethu Joseph (original story), Upendra Sidhaye(adapted by)


 Ajay Devgn, Shriya Saran, Tabu |


Vijay Salgaonkar runs a cable TV network in a remote and hilly village of Goa. He lives a happy life with his wife Nandini and two daughters. A 4th grade dropout & an orphan, Vijay has worked his way towards success with his sheer hard-work & street smartness in order to provide for his family who mean the world to him. A man of few means & needs; Vijay believes life is to be lived simplistically - his wife, while she loves him devoutly, wants Vijay's thrifty & miserly behavior to end and wants the world for her family. If there's one thing that Vijay cannot live without, it is his passion for watching films. Such is his 'filmy' obsession that he doesn't mind staying up all night at his office binging on TV movies! In a bizarre turn of events; a teenage boy goes missing; he is the son of a headstrong & no-nonsense cop; IG Meera Deshmukh and the Salgaonkar family is the prime suspect! Will a humble & middle class man, be able to protect his family from oppression of the powerful? How ... Written by Dhruvi Dokania

                              User Reviews

DRISHYAM:: Meaning by it-'seeing is believing', a wonderful crime cum family drama cum thriller; so spine chilling keeping you adherent to the chair totally not relaxed, we feel that as if we are the part of the disturbed family. Great involving director, great story, told so nicely, very very interesting, superb editing and wonderful role played by the total cast. Ajay Devgn after long time in so balanced underacting(Totally not Singham type);but a most responsible struggling hard-worker family man, who is ready to anything for his family. Shreya Saran; who is most glamorous heroine from South( remember Shivaji- the boss-Rajnikanth-Shankar?) has done role of typical Indian housewife.Tanu is role of brutal and tough cop and her husband; who is a big businessman-role played by total underacting and balanced work by our marvelous actor RajatKapoor- all steal the show. We have shortage of such spine chilling suspense crime thrillers in Bollywood as last was 'Wednesday'. In Hollywood Alfred Hichckok has given so many spine-chilling thrillers and I do recollect Edward Fox's 'The day of the jackal' and Bruce Willis+Rachard Gere in 'Jackal .'The executive decision'- was also such spine chilling thriller and we do recollect 'Taken-1,2,3,' and 'Unknown etc. The year 2015 has been so luck for the cinema viewers that we have received so marvelous and wonderful movies throughout the year and this is one of them. A great family drama cum thriller cum suspense movie cum crime movie, filled the stuff of police brutality, innocent child acting, burning problems faced regularly by the teenager daughter and their parents-we are reading of news papers and seeing in all medias-mms scandal, blackmailing, etc. This movie tackles so many our social problems in so nice way to digest easily and provoke the thoughts and succeeds to win the sympathy of the audience.10 star or more. A must watch family drama cum thriller cum spine-chilling suspense movie. Very brilliant movie. For me its better than The Shawshank Redemption

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